lundi 5 mars 2012

Fame and Glory

My Zumba teacher Deolinda

Well Friends…I’m famous!
Actually almost famous. The local newspaper came to my Zumba class. I am actually in the picture. Yes it’s a bit like playing “Where is Waldo” but I assure you I am in the picture (at least part of my face and one leg is). Just wanted to share my 2 seconds of fame with ya!

You can read the full article on THERE

2 commentaires:

Carole a dit…

j'aime l'idée de ces cours gratuits et ouverts à tous dans les églises; il faudrait encore faire évoluer les mentalités ici en France! la joie se lit sur les visages en tout cas!

Nikki a dit…

Where's Waldo, indeed! You're famous again. They even have drummers! How cool.